Here I will give you some of my personal tips that I use on a day to day basis to help me get up and ready for the day ahead. How to feel refreshed and energized so I can go to my college classes and be totally awake, wether you are going to school or to work these tips will get you going and keep you energized through out the day.
When the alarm goes off and it is time to get up, relax for a moment, take a couple of deep breathes. Then stretch like a cat does after waking up from her snooze. Stretch from the tips of your toes to the tips of your fingers. Really stretch those muscles. After you have stretched well slowly get out of bed, ease into your day, instead of all the rushing around that can make you tired later in the day.
Make yourself a pot of fresh coffee or a nice cup of energizing hot tea, whichever you prefer. Sip it slowly while you continue to wake your body up, make sure you turn on some lights or go out on your porch (weather permitting) and sit in the sunshine. The sun is our natural alarm system, it tells us it is time to begin a new day.
After I have had my coffee I do some light stretching exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home or dorm room. As I am sitting and enjoying my coffee I begin by placing my feet on the floor and lift up onto my tippy toes while keeping the toes planted on the floor, do this to a count of ten with each foot. This will stretch out the calf muscles, and move your ankle joint.
The 2nd exercise I do is keep my feet planted on the floor and raise up the front part of my foot but leaving the heel firmly on the floor. This stretches out the front of your legs and also moves the ankle joint. Getting me ready to walk all over my huge campus for each class
The 3rd. exercise I do is sitting straight in a chair and cross my legs, then bring your legs together up and out to the count of ten. While the legs are out in front of you, you should hold in your stomach as tight as you can. This will work the abdominal muscles as well as your thighs. Then switch legs and do the same thing. This exercise also works your knee joints. All of these exercises are to the count of ten. You may increase them if you wish too.
The 4th exercise I do is to roll your ankles around in circles backwards and forwards to the count of ten for each way you roll them. You may hear a lot of popping noises that is caused by stiff joints. So it is important to do these types of exercises all the while you are sipping your morning beverage.
The 5th exercise I do is stand up and hold the back of your chair for balance and raise one leg like you are marching in place to a count of ten then switch to the other leg and do the same count of ten. This will get your hips moving, you can fell it in your thighs and buttocks as well. For exercise number #6 continue standing and and kick your leg backwards and stretch, then return to a standing position, repeat this with each leg to an individual count of ten. You will really feel this in the hip and the buttocks.
The exercise I do is with one of those big exercise balls, which I highly recommend! I bounce on it with my feet planted shoulder width apart, to the count of fifty, then I roll with my butt firmly on it from side to side stretching the inner thighs and working the hip joints. After that I roll around and around using my hip muscles (kind of like a slow hula hoop movement), it really makes your back feel good as it strengthens those muscles as well.
All exercises may take you about 10 good minutes and they are well worth it because now your body is warmed up and just about ready for the day. After I exercise I am ready for a hot shower to help get me going. Remember, you must eat a healthy breakfast in the morning before you leave your house. If you are in a dorm I suggest getting something from the dining area. Personally I keep a package of rice cakes and peanut butter on hand for quick breakfast items when I have an early class and don't have time to get a real breakfast. They are quick and easy to make and I can munch on my way.
My morning routine really wakes me up and I feel so energized through out the day. The exercises are easy to do and move me enough to get up and go. If you practice what I have shown you everyday your joints will thank you in later years. It is never too early to begin preventative measures regarding our health.
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