Thursday, October 30, 2014

Free Ways to Exercise Effectively

Exercise can be as simple as putting a little more effort in making your daily routine a little more beneficial. While vacuuming or mopping the floor, do it briskly. When going to the mall park at the end of the parking lot and walk up the stairs instead of riding the elevator or escalator.
Think of other everyday tasks that you can turn into free workouts. You don't need to join a gym, hire a trainer or buy expensive equipment to get an effective workout. For instance walking or running is free and if done where there are hills can be a complete workout.
If you are just starting to work out and want to do it as cheap as possible until you have decided how or if you will continue then look around your home for ways to use what's there. Here are number of items found in most every home that can be turned into no cost exercise equipment. I have used all of these and they are good to get started with.
Canned goods
These make good light hand weights.
Empty milk and water jugs
Fill them with water or sand to get heavier weights.
Cut the rope to the length you need to make a jump rope.
These make great workouts by either walking or running up them.
This is a great exercise you can do while listening to the radio or a video.
Step stools
A low stool or anything similar can be used as a stair stepper.
Rope pulley exerciser
A strap for over the door, a pulley and 15 feet of rope is all you need to make an exerciser that can be used for a number of exercise where you use the opposite arm or leg to provide resistance.
Body weight can be used for exercise with push ups, chair dips, jumping jacks, leg lifts or crunches being just a few of the exercises you can do where your body weight provides the resistance.
After you've been exercising for a while you will probably start thinking about getting some professional equipment. If cost is still a factor you're in luck because today you can find used equipment everywhere you look, both free and low cost.

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